The Connect Seat V3 harness is based on the Connect Waist V4 with added leg strap support that is fully adjustable for rider preference
Developed closely with our Hydrofoil race team riders and multiple World Champions, Nico Parlier and Axel Mazella, it provides the ultimate in comfort for racers as well as entry-level freeriders
Trova un rivenditoreFrom freeride cruising to high speed racing situations the Connect Seat V3 harness perfectly transfers loads from the kite into the rider’s legs without restricting movement. What makes this harness truly outstanding is that you don’t feel pressure points on your body.
You’ll feel no rubbing and no bruising, just pure pleasure and comfort thanks to the sleek lines and precisely sculpted shape with the ultra soft foam padding and neoprene layers.
Like all our accessories and hardware, the Connect Seat V3 is produced with care and expertise in our own factory.
Ozone harnesses are designed for all aspects of pure kitesurfing performance. They are not designed for flying, soaring or climbing stunts.
The option to attach the leg straps directly to the spreader bar can provide a further locked-in ride. For a looser feeling you can leave the spreader bar and leg straps disconnected. In either set up the leg straps prevent the harness from sliding up, left or right, and keep the centre of gravity on your body low.
Entry-level riders often fly the kite at the zenith, or at least higher in the sky than more experienced riders. Using a seat harness with the kite often in a high position feels more comfortable, as the harness will remain in position all day long without sliding up above your waist.
Essentially, you’ll feel in control of the kite’s power more quickly. As most of the power is locked-in lower down your body, this leaves your upper body to focus more on steering the kite and your direction of travel.
For freeriders who prefer the feeling and extra support of a seat harness, the Connect Seat V3 makes cruising and jumping very easy and enjoyable. Ride hard, in comfort!
(See more feature details by clicking the ‘Features’ tab)
Still unsure whether you should choose a seat or waist harness? Read Jesse Richman’s blog:
Ozone possiede una fabbrica propria dove vengono prodotti tutti i kite, le ali, le tavole, gli aliscafi, i parapendio, le ali da velocità e gli accessori. Garantendo un controllo di qualità manuale e i migliori materiali in ogni fase, ci sono anche eccellenti condizioni di lavoro per tutti i 1000 dipendenti.
Barra in acciaio inossidabile personalizzata con un facile rilascio a pulsante.
La spreader bar è fissata allo Spreader Pad combinata con rinforzi interni per ridurre la torsione verso l'alto. L'imbottitura in morbida schiuma e il neoprene offrono ulteriore comfort.
Anello di attacco a basso profilo per leash lunghi o corti
Un coltello a gancio estraibile, facile da raggiungere, si trova nella parte anteriore del cuscinetto spargitore.
Fissare le cinghie delle gambe direttamente alla barra di diffusione per una corsa solida o per una sensazione più sciolta lasciare la barra dello spreader e le cinghie delle gambe scollegate.
Maniglia forte e leggera sul retro del trapezio.
Cinghie per impieghi gravosi per una lunga durata. i Wabbing Saver riducono l'usura delle cinghie principali alla connessione Spreader Bar.
Gli elastici tengono le cinghie al loro posto. Le estremità delle cinghie possono anche essere nascoste nelle tasche sul retro del trapezio.